Spawning Slices

For quite some time, the entirety of ad revenue has been pocketed by large corporations. Some of these companies share a portion of their earnings with those who successfully create viral products or captivating content.

When you visit a website, it’s highly likely that you’ll encounter a Google Ad. While scrolling through Facebook, you’re bombarded with a multitude of ads. Even as you drive around cities such as Lagos, billboard advertisements greet you at almost every significant intersection.

Why, you ask?

Money – plain and simple.

Google and its counterparts need to generate income.

In 2022, Google reported an astonishing ad revenue of 224.47 billion U.S. dollars. This massive sum was yielded through their Google Ads platform. Facebook, not far behind, raked in 135 billion U.S. dollars in ad revenue during the same year. On the flip side, Twitter managed to amass 4.14 billion U.S. dollars in ad revenue in 2022.

Mammoth figures!

In Nigeria, a study uncovered that digital advertising was valued at 81.2 billion Nigerian nairas, with a projection indicating an increase to 255 million U.S. dollars in 2023.

However, there’s a catch.

Who benefits from all this revenue?

The corporations and their publishers.

For example, Google shares a portion of their revenue with publishers. More recently, Twitter (now known as X) initiated the practice of sharing ad revenue with accounts generating 15M organic impressions in the last 3 months. Conversely, giants like Facebook and most major advertising corporations retain the entirety of the funds generated from ads.

But the individuals responsible for generating this revenue in the first place get nothing.

When you view an ad, the likelihood is high that you’ll make a purchase from the advertiser. This payment goes to media companies via advertising revenues. However, those who facilitate this revenue generation are left empty-handed.

Is there anything inherently wrong with this arrangement? After all, we don’t typically view ads without receiving some value from the platform, do we?

Yes, there is indeed a concern. Our personal information is “sold” to advertisers, who then employ it to tailor enticing ads to us. Consequently, we end up buying products we might not need, or worse, that could potentially harm us.

So, is there a solution to this predicament?

Not exactly.

Advertising remains a vital revenue stream for numerous corporations, Google included. Without the presentation of ads, some of these companies might struggle to sustain themselves, leading to a scenario where consumers might end up bearing the cost of numerous daily free products.

The most optimal resolution entails allowing users to choose the types of ads they wish to view, thereby enabling them to earn a bit extra by engaging with these ads. This way, everyone wins – both companies and their users.

Introducing Slice - You browse. They pay.

Screenshot of

Slice is a browser plugin that pays you when you browse.

How does it work? The concept is simple. While you browse, you’re presented with ads, and the revenue generated from these ads is shared with you.

Before dismissing this as another tool cluttering websites with ads or as a platform where you earn some trivial cryptocurrency named after a bird or dog, read on.

Slice remains non-intrusive, refraining from hindering your browsing experience. Having used the application on my home PC for a few weeks now, I scarcely noticed any ads, except when browsing on Google. Even these Google ads display in such an unobtrusive manner that they often go unnoticed.

Slice ad on

Much like billboards arranged across the cityscape of Lagos, Slice delivers ads that don’t disrupt your online journey. Plus, you possess the ability to customize how these ads are presented, and you can deactivate them at your convenience.

Beyond the ad delivery method and the ad quality, Slice rewards you in Bitcoin. Your browsing remains unchanged, yet your Bitcoin earnings see a remarkable increase.

Add Slice Bitcoin earning dashboard

To date, in just three weeks, my home PC has accrued 116 Satoshis. This is intriguing because I typically utilize my home PC for roughly 10 hours weekly. In recent days, my usage has been even lower:

Add Slice usage graph

The Bitcoin Advantage

Bitcoin represents the future’s global currency, a pioneering monetary protocol.

In 2010, 10,000 bitcoins would barely secure you a pizza; however, today, a mere 5 bitcoins would suffice for the latest MacBook Pro 16, iPhone 14, and the 2024 BMW 7 Series (~$100,000).

2024 BMW 7 Series

The decision by Slice to remunerate in Bitcoin – a more robust and superior currency compared to the U.S. dollar – has garnered favor among Bitcoin enthusiasts. Currently, the Slice app boasts an impressive 200,000 installations.

Instead of accumulating newly minted tokens with an uncertain future, you earn bitcoins – money with a tangible value that can be withdrawn to any lightning-enabled wallet.

No complications, just the Bitcoin you’re familiar with. Arguably, the most secure currency ever!

The Revenue Model of Slice

Slice collaborates with businesses aiming to expand their product’s reach. These companies pay Slice, and in turn, Slice shares a portion of this revenue with users, based on the frequency of ad views and other metrics.

This model closely resembles the strategy employed by industry giants like Google and Twitter, who amass revenue and apportion a portion to creators. The key difference with Slice is that everyone utilizing the tool stands to earn, not just creators.

Obtaining Slice: A Step-by-Step Guide

To initiate your Slice journey, simply sign up on Thereafter, install the plugin to begin earning rewards during your browsing sessions.

Follow these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Click the Signup button to establish an account.
  3. Add the Slice plugin to your browser (Chrome or Brave).
  4. Start accruing rewards as you browse.

By using the provided link to sign up, you become a part of the Crew.

Beyond Browsing: Alternative ways to earn with Slice

Beyond browsing, Slice offers alternative methods for earning Bitcoin. You can earn by inviting friends to join the Slice crew or by streaming content on Twitch.

Earning with the Slice Crew: Inviting a friend to join Slice earns you 1,000 SATs. Simply share your invite link.

Earning as a Slice Creator: While streaming on Twitch, you can monetize user views. You stand to gain over 60% of Twitch revenue and even receive Slice donations from your viewers.

Receiving your Slice Earnings

Slice incorporates a Payout feature, streamlining the withdrawal process. Earnings can be obtained in Bitcoin or via PayPal. Opting for Bitcoin is recommended, as transactions occur through the efficient Lightning Network, ensuring speed and cost-effectiveness.

Withdraw your Slice Earnings

Payouts become accessible after a 30-day period. According to Slice, this delay serves to deter fraudulent activities.

For those residing in Africa, several platforms are available to facilitate receipt of Bitcoin earnings, allowing for conversion into naira and other local currencies.

Key Features of Slice

Browser Plugin: The core of Slice – add the plugin to your browser, browse, and earn.

Crew: An inviting feature allowing you to earn bitcoins when you introduce friends to Slice.

Creators: Another facet of Slice tailored for content creators, enhancing revenue through Twitch streaming.

Connections: This feature permits the connection of all your devices to Slice. Irrespective of the device in use, earnings are consolidated into your Slice account. I recently integrated my work PC.

Monierate Wrap Up

If the notion of passively consuming ads without reaping any benefits irks you, introducing Slice to your browser might just be the solution. The plugin’s user-friendly design and clean interface require no prior knowledge of Bitcoin for setup and earning.

In essence, Slice is championing fairness on the internet. Whether you’re a content creator or an average internet user, a share of the online ad revenue becomes attainable. Using Slice guarantees a non-intrusive experience, all while being compensated with Bitcoin.

For content creators leveraging Slice, the necessity for partner programs or one-time affiliate arrangements diminishes. Instead, an opportunity arises to establish a lasting revenue stream that grows in parallel with your community.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Slice do?

Slice is a browser extension that empowers users to monetize their time and attention invested in internet browsing.

How does it work?

Your browsing activities yield Bitcoin earnings. To begin, add the Slice plugin into your browser. Slice will subsequently serve you ads as you browse.

Can I withdraw my earnings?

Certainly, you can withdraw your Slice earnings. Once your balance reaches 50 sats, you can transfer it to your Bitcoin Lightning-enabled wallet.

Can I use PayPal for withdrawals?

Indeed, Slice facilitates payouts through PayPal.

Can I use Slice on my mobile phone?

Presently, Slice functions solely on browsers that support extensions. Regrettably, mobile phone browsers do not support extensions, rendering Slice incompatible with your phone.

How much can I earn?

While the earnings from Slice might not equate to purchasing a house or a Tesla, they can certainly cover your Netflix subscriptions, domain purchase and even contribute to your grocery bill, particularly if you’re a frequent PC user.

Who owns Slice?

Slice is a privately held company founded by Darina Oumanski and Paul Rumpf in 2021. The company counts Lightning Ventures, a Bitcoin-focused venture capital firm, among its partners.